Blue Line Pools - Aviva Pools fiberglass pool dealer for Rankin County, Mississippi

Blue Line Pools:

Rankin County’s Premier Fiberglass Pool Builder

Crafting Perfection in Every Splash

Blue Line Pools: Where Meticulous Planning Meets Exceptional Execution

At Blue Line Pools, we’re all about making your dream backyard a drop-dead gorgeous reality. Our crew? Think of them as the backyard whisperers, turning a great plan into an even greater space. And we’re sticklers for the details, because that’s what turns a good job into a ‘Wow, can you believe this is my backyard?!’ kind of job.

We chat, we plan, we execute—with a level of craftsmanship that’s nothing short of top-notch. Every pool we install is like a badge of honor for us, proof of our promise to not just meet your expectations but knock ’em clear out of the park. So, when you shake hands with us, you’re in for a treat – a pool that’s every bit as perfect as you imagined, and a team that’s all about getting you there. Located in the heart of Flowood, Mississippi, Blue Line Pools is ready to be of service.

Blue Line Pools:
The Gold Standard in Fiberglass Pool Installation

Elevate your home with our expert touch. Blue Line Pools is Flowood, Mississippi’s top-tier provider of quality fiberglass swimming pool installations. With a steadfast commitment to excellence, our work speaks for itself—seamlessly integrating each project as though it was always part of your landscape. We uphold the highest standards to ensure every phase of the job is handled with utmost professionalism. Let us transform your backyard into a stunning oasis, making your new fiberglass pool the centerpiece where memories are made for years to come.

Transform your home with an Aviva Pool

Fiberglasss pool installation services throughout Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma

Our range of pools

As an official Aviva Pools dealer, Blue Line Pools are pleased to offer our customers the finest pools built with a unique blend of top-notch materials and a touch of artistry, thanks to our team of experienced professionals.

We choose to go above and beyond the typical industry standards to bring you a high-end product. Plus, we stand by our work with a solid warranty guarantee. So, when you pick Blue Line Pools, you’re choosing a premium pool that’s worth every penny.

Stunning color options

Drawing from the most stunning locations across the globe, our collection of awe-inspiring gelcoat surface colors look amazing. Not only that, they’re also top-notch when it comes to holding up against UV rays, blisters, and chemicals.

You can customize your pool with these colors to design your very own private oasis. With this vibrant selection, available from Blue Line Pools, your backyard pool will truly be your sanctuary of tranquility.

The range of color options available for Aviva Pools, as supplied by Aquamarine Pools
Spas and tanning ledges available for Aviva Pools


Blue Line Pools offers a variety of high-quality enhancements, all tailored to complement your lifestyle. Want to enjoy a powerful spa jet massage for your shoulders, back, and thighs? Or perhaps you’d like to bask in the sun on a peaceful deck.

We are here to add an extra dash of enjoyment to your fiberglass swimming pool experience. Enjoy a tasteful upgrade to your pool life, courtesy of our range of enhancements.

Enjoy Peace of Mind

Every pool we install is covered by a world class Lifetime Warranty.

At Blue Line Pools, we take great pride in delivering of dreams families all across the country. With a commitment to ethical practices and a responsibility to uphold, we ensure that each and every composite fiberglass swimming pool we install meets the high standards you expect from us. This quality embodies a promise that is reflective of the values we stand for.

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